ADHD Therapy for College Students

Do you struggle with the first or next steps in declaring a major, choosing a future profession, or just in life?

Do you constantly seek out new adventures and start numerous projects, but complete few of them?

Stack of Books | ADHD Treatment for College StudentsAdulting is hard. Adulting with ADHD is downright challenging.

Yet, people with ADHD are highly intelligent and deeply passionate.

We are Magic Johnson, Michael Phelps, Will Smith, and Adam Levine – talented athletes and creative artists who also have ADHD.

Yet, by college, if students lack an understanding of their ADHD, and how their particular symptoms affect their academic and social functioning, it is difficult to level the playing field.

College students are in unchartered waters, left to navigate a new world without a GPS to guide them.

When you go to college, you’re left to manage your symptoms & time on your own. You’re left to take care of yourself. Advocate for yourself. Get the resources you need by yourself.

  • College is a shift away from the daily routine you were used to in high school
  • College is a shift away from parents, teachers and coaches creating structure for you
  • College is a shift toward setting and achieving your own goals

College is 30% academics and 70% everything else.

That’s why when I work with college students, we focus on the everything else, just as much as the academic demands.

College is a time for organization, perseverance, and balance.

Books and Blackboard | ADHD Therapy for College Students CAThat’s why we’ll tackle your brain fog and the 5 P’s to college success:
prioritizing, planning, problem solving, procrastination & passion.

Adulthood is the goal, not the diploma.

That’s why when I work with college students, we focus on self-discipline, brain activation, and overcoming your academic, emotional, relationship and achievement challenges so you can thrive in college and in life!

I can help make ADHD your superpower in college and in your career.

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